Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

I thought the film lesson Night And Fog was really interesting. it showed the destructions of the holocaust and showed what it looked liked 10 years later. I felt this was powerful because it showed clips of things really happenining,such as the hiding and burning of the bodies, all the skulls and corpses everywhere. Things that have been seen cannot be unseen. If you think about it, its also powerful because you realise that the bodies in the movie does not compare to the years of murder that went on in Poland And Germany and the rest of Europe.It Kind of was the same as the other film lesson, Schindlers list because at the end it showed the bodies and stuff being buried and burned at the end of the war. Also it showed people dying and the camps and the barracks and all those buildings, also the bathrooms which were about the same. For me, the HollyWood version of the holocaust was more interesting and it showed alot more of the things that happened. Such as the Hair being cut off to prepare the women for the gas chambers and the selection was more in detail, It was a bad event.

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