Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar & Latin America Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was known as the greatest South America's best Generals. His biggest Achivement was that he won independence over the spaniards of 6 nations (Boliva,Peru,Ecuador,Panama,Colombia & Venezuela). Simon Bolivar was their liberator from rule of Spain, people called him as the George Washington Of South America. He inspired lots of men to follow him to the wilderness and fight and die for liberty. Simon Bolivar Was Born in Venezuela on July 24,1783 of a noble spanish family. Venezuela was the first to declare its independence in,1811, The revolt failed in 1812 also the colony was again in spanish rule. Simon Bolivar led to fight for Northern South Smerica. Bolivar was a patriot and at that time he, was felling loyalty of the cause of liberty & equality.

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